Elisia and Jon first met online five years ago and immediately bonded over the fact that they both were avid hunters. Jon cooked dinner for the two of them on their first date, and they spent hours on his porch getting to know one another and chatting all things deer, duck, and turkey. Sometimes we can meet a person in this life who almost immediately feels like home – someone who also values family and enjoying your work and understands the feeling of time spent hunting in the woods, and then time flies and the sun sets as you chat on the porch, and you kinda just know you need more hours and days to get to know them.
The two of them got engaged over Christmas this past year, and I came out to the Princeton area in July and spent a summer evening with Elisia and Jon in one of their favorite places. I hopped on the side-by-side with them as they showed me the woods and pasture where they hunt and ride together and spend so many of their evenings, and it really felt like the perfect place to photograph them. They seemed completely at ease in this space with one another despite the summer heat as they cracked each other up and pulled each other in close. There are few things better than being at home in a place with a person who also feels like home, and I feel so fortunate to have been there to capture it.